Hi, I’m Alistair – I’m intending to spend more time reading and posting on the Forum, so wanted to introduce myself here.
I think I came across EA online during early 2020 during the first Covid-19 lockdown, and I remember feeling it was such an obviously good idea that I was surprised that no one had come up with it before about 2008! EA was a significant influence on my decision to go vegan and my coming to consider our use and treatment of sentient non-humans to be a moral atrocity. It also sparked my concern about AI safety.
I’m currently lead organiser of the AI, Animals, & Digital Minds conference in London in June 2025, and would love to speak to people who are interested in the intersection of those three things, especially if they’re in London.
Hi, I’m Alistair – I’m intending to spend more time reading and posting on the Forum, so wanted to introduce myself here.
I think I came across EA online during early 2020 during the first Covid-19 lockdown, and I remember feeling it was such an obviously good idea that I was surprised that no one had come up with it before about 2008! EA was a significant influence on my decision to go vegan and my coming to consider our use and treatment of sentient non-humans to be a moral atrocity. It also sparked my concern about AI safety.
I’m currently lead organiser of the AI, Animals, & Digital Minds conference in London in June 2025, and would love to speak to people who are interested in the intersection of those three things, especially if they’re in London.
I’ll be co-working in the LEAH Coworking Space and the Ambitious Impact office in London in 2025, and will be in the Bay Area in California in Feb-Mar for EAG Bay Area (if accepted) and the AI for Animals conference there. Please reach out by DM!
Interested in:
Sentience- & suffering-focused ethics; sentientism; painism; s-risks
Animal ethics & abolitionism
AI safety & governance
Activism, direct action & social change
Trying to make transformative AI go less badly for sentient beings, regardless of species and substrate
From London
BA in linguistics at the University of Cambridge
Almost five years in the British Army as an officer
MSc in global governance and ethics at University College London
One year working full time in environmental campaigning and animal rights activism at Plant-Based Universities / Animal Rising
Now pivoting to the (future) impact of AI on biologically and artifically sentient beings