I’m not sure how much you thought about this aspect, but I’ve recently become extra wary of surveys on this topic (beyond the ordinary skepticism I’d have for questions which are mostly about expressive preferences and not revealed preferences). Time Discounting and Time Preference: A Critical Review has a table listing studies that find discount rates ranging from −6% to ∞% . Even if that doesn’t influence you as much as it did me, the paper has some good discussion of different methods of elicitation (which are especially likely to influence results given the difficulty of the domain).
I’m not sure how much you thought about this aspect, but I’ve recently become extra wary of surveys on this topic (beyond the ordinary skepticism I’d have for questions which are mostly about expressive preferences and not revealed preferences). Time Discounting and Time Preference: A Critical Review has a table listing studies that find discount rates ranging from −6% to ∞% . Even if that doesn’t influence you as much as it did me, the paper has some good discussion of different methods of elicitation (which are especially likely to influence results given the difficulty of the domain).