Then again, it might be better to use leisure time for genuine leisure (reading your favourite novel, playing with a kitten) and use your learning time for the most useful thing you can learn.
I do worry that people “learn about EA” because it’s “learning” that lets them feel good about themselves and that others will praise them for, but it’s easier than learning something they actually need to make the world a better place. If I made an objective list of what I need to learn to help people, EA Global videos and Forum posts wouldn’t be in the top 10, but here I am...
Then again, it might be better to use leisure time for genuine leisure (reading your favourite novel, playing with a kitten) and use your learning time for the most useful thing you can learn.
I do worry that people “learn about EA” because it’s “learning” that lets them feel good about themselves and that others will praise them for, but it’s easier than learning something they actually need to make the world a better place. If I made an objective list of what I need to learn to help people, EA Global videos and Forum posts wouldn’t be in the top 10, but here I am...