Thanks again Brian! Again, quite helpful to hear your perspective :D
We had a bit of a strikeout with our first social meetup last week with 0 attendees aside from the organizers XD It may be this was a fluke, but it also may be that until the group’s better established and members have built up relationships with each other, more structured structured meetings will draw more people in.
We’ll see what happens at our discussion group next week! :D
Thanks again Brian! Again, quite helpful to hear your perspective :D
We had a bit of a strikeout with our first social meetup last week with 0 attendees aside from the organizers XD It may be this was a fluke, but it also may be that until the group’s better established and members have built up relationships with each other, more structured structured meetings will draw more people in.
We’ll see what happens at our discussion group next week! :D
I see, yeah you might get better attendance for social events when the group is more established and has more regular members!