Question: what level of extinction risk are people personally willing to accept in order to realise higher expected value in the futures where we survive? How much would the extinction coming in the next 5 years effect this? Or the next 1 year? How is this reflected in terms of what you are working on / spending resources on?
Personally, I think p(ASI in the next 5 years)>70%, and p(death|ASI)~90%. And this is wholly unacceptable just in terms of my own survival, let alone everyone else’s. Philosophically justifying such a risk of death does not help when it’s becoming so viscerally real. See also my comments on this post.
Question: what level of extinction risk are people personally willing to accept in order to realise higher expected value in the futures where we survive? How much would the extinction coming in the next 5 years effect this? Or the next 1 year? How is this reflected in terms of what you are working on / spending resources on?
I hope my position statement makes my view at least sort of clear. Though as I said to you, my moral values and my practices do come apart!
Personally, I think p(ASI in the next 5 years)>70%, and p(death|ASI)~90%. And this is wholly unacceptable just in terms of my own survival, let alone everyone else’s. Philosophically justifying such a risk of death does not help when it’s becoming so viscerally real. See also my comments on this post.