Thanks Anam—I will try that right away actually as it is so easy to do. That said, my blood tests showed more than appropriate iron levels when I last checked. Also, according to cronometer I seem to be getting plenty of iron (tofu, oats, peanuts) but vitamin C can probably be boosted—it is only broccoli that provides this currently and I am “only” at ~140% of RDA for vit C. Maybe I’ll try both iron and vit C supplements—can’t hurt as long as I am not risking going over the safe upper limit. Super helpful tip!
Thanks Anam—I will try that right away actually as it is so easy to do. That said, my blood tests showed more than appropriate iron levels when I last checked. Also, according to cronometer I seem to be getting plenty of iron (tofu, oats, peanuts) but vitamin C can probably be boosted—it is only broccoli that provides this currently and I am “only” at ~140% of RDA for vit C. Maybe I’ll try both iron and vit C supplements—can’t hurt as long as I am not risking going over the safe upper limit. Super helpful tip!