my meat-to-animal conversions were not based on Saja, but simply on the weight of edible meat produced by an animal. For chickens, I used the slightly more conservative value of 1.5 kg edible meat per broiler chicken, instead of Saja’s 2 kg. That means 1⁄1.5=0.66 animals/kg. Perhaps broiler chickens in the US grow heavier and are closer to Saja’s 2 kg per chicken?
Haven’t thought about using those other sources like Faunalitics. Thanks for mentioning it.
Hi Neil,
my meat-to-animal conversions were not based on Saja, but simply on the weight of edible meat produced by an animal. For chickens, I used the slightly more conservative value of 1.5 kg edible meat per broiler chicken, instead of Saja’s 2 kg. That means 1⁄1.5=0.66 animals/kg. Perhaps broiler chickens in the US grow heavier and are closer to Saja’s 2 kg per chicken?
Haven’t thought about using those other sources like Faunalitics. Thanks for mentioning it.