Interesting! I’ve been working on a much lighter thing that’s like the college EA Fellowship program but for working adults, and have been debating whether it should be an ongoing once per week kind of thing or an intense weekend retreat (i.e. the CFAR model). EA Academy (or REACH Academy since we’d be running it out of the Berkeley REACH) came up as a potential name during brainstorming (haven’t landed on a definite name yet, will likely depend on what the program ends up looking like).
I’ve been an instructor at a coding bootcamp in the past and am generally interested in non-traditional education. I like the thought of your proposal, but see some potential flaws, many of which have already been laid out by Aaron. I’d be interested in chatting, though!
Interesting! I’ve been working on a much lighter thing that’s like the college EA Fellowship program but for working adults, and have been debating whether it should be an ongoing once per week kind of thing or an intense weekend retreat (i.e. the CFAR model). EA Academy (or REACH Academy since we’d be running it out of the Berkeley REACH) came up as a potential name during brainstorming (haven’t landed on a definite name yet, will likely depend on what the program ends up looking like).
I’ve been an instructor at a coding bootcamp in the past and am generally interested in non-traditional education. I like the thought of your proposal, but see some potential flaws, many of which have already been laid out by Aaron. I’d be interested in chatting, though!
That sounds like a much better approach as it requires much less resources to be committed upfront.