[Question] How do you make EA friends?

EA is very important to me. I’ve been EtG for 5 years and I spend many hours per week consuming EA content. However, I have zero EA friends (I just have some acquaintances).

(My local EA group is quite small. I’ve attended a few meetups but haven’t really connected with anyone. I’ll be attending my first EAG soon and hope to make some friends there.)

How do you make EA friends?


I’m considering building an OkCupid-style platform for EA networking. Some personas that could benefit from it:

  • Ambitious EAs who don’t enjoy EA meetups (probably many earning-to-givers)

  • EAs living far away from EA hubs

  • EAs unable to attend meetups due to health or personal reasons

I’m aware of existing Slack, Facebook, and other groups for making connections, but most EAs, including myself, tend to be lurkers.

What would be the positive impact of this? I would probably donate more if I had friends who were donating as much or more than I am.