This is just to let you know that I’m no longer working on the Wiki, and believe there is currently no designated person to process comments proposing new entries. So perhaps you should go ahead and create these posts directly? I’ll ask Lizka to comment.
I am in fact subscribed to comments on this post, but I’ll be much slower than Pablo was to process things (in the near future, at least) — apologies in advance, and thanks for proposing this!
This is just to let you know that I’m no longer working on the Wiki, and believe there is currently no designated person to process comments proposing new entries. So perhaps you should go ahead and create these posts directly? I’ll ask Lizka to comment.
I am in fact subscribed to comments on this post, but I’ll be much slower than Pablo was to process things (in the near future, at least) — apologies in advance, and thanks for proposing this!