These are all great suggestions! As for my objections to EA as a whole versus a subset, it reminds me a bit of a defense that folks employ whenever a larger organization is criticised. Defenses that one hears from Republicans in the US for example. “It’s not all of us, just a vocal subset!” That might be true, but I think it misses the point. It’s hard to soul-search and introspect as an organization or a movement if we collectively say, “not all-EA” when someone points to the enthusiasm around SBF and ideas like buying up coal mines.
These are all great suggestions! As for my objections to EA as a whole versus a subset, it reminds me a bit of a defense that folks employ whenever a larger organization is criticised. Defenses that one hears from Republicans in the US for example. “It’s not all of us, just a vocal subset!” That might be true, but I think it misses the point. It’s hard to soul-search and introspect as an organization or a movement if we collectively say, “not all-EA” when someone points to the enthusiasm around SBF and ideas like buying up coal mines.