I believe both this post and Ben’s original ‘Funding Overhang’ post mentioned that this is an update towards a career with direct impact vs earning-to-give.
But earning-to-give is still very high impact in absolute terms.
Yes, my main attempt to discuss the implications of the extra funding is in the Is EA growing? post and my talk at EAG. This post was aimed at a specific misunderstanding that seems to have come up. Though, those posts weren’t angsty either.
I believe both this post and Ben’s original ‘Funding Overhang’ post mentioned that this is an update towards a career with direct impact vs earning-to-give.
But earning-to-give is still very high impact in absolute terms.
Yes, my main attempt to discuss the implications of the extra funding is in the Is EA growing? post and my talk at EAG. This post was aimed at a specific misunderstanding that seems to have come up. Though, those posts weren’t angsty either.
Linking to make it easier for anybody who wants to check these out.
Is effective altruism growing? An update on the stock of funding vs. people
What does the growth of EA mean for our priorities and level of ambition? [talk transcript]