Announce $100M/year in prizes for AI interpretability/transparency research. Explicitly state that the metric is “How much closer does this research take us towards, one day when we build human-level AGI, being able to read said AI’s mind, understand what it is thinking and why, what its goals and desires are, etc., ideally in an automated way that doesn’t involve millions of person-hours?” (Could possibly do it as NFTs, like my other suggestion.)
Announce $100M/year in prizes for AI interpretability/transparency research. Explicitly state that the metric is “How much closer does this research take us towards, one day when we build human-level AGI, being able to read said AI’s mind, understand what it is thinking and why, what its goals and desires are, etc., ideally in an automated way that doesn’t involve millions of person-hours?”
(Could possibly do it as NFTs, like my other suggestion.)