Suppose I want to give a counter argument to one of GPI’s research papers. Where can I post such a response?
More precisely, I want to argue that the reasoning in ” Moral Uncertainty About Population Axiology ” is not compatible with the most plausible ways of normalizing different axiologies, such as variance normalization.
You are more than welcome to post a response on any medium you choose. That said, as GPI’s mission is in part to bring EA-relevant research topics into the academic mainstream, responses in the form of academic publications are particularly encouraged.
Suppose I want to give a counter argument to one of GPI’s research papers. Where can I post such a response?
More precisely, I want to argue that the reasoning in ” Moral Uncertainty About Population Axiology ” is not compatible with the most plausible ways of normalizing different axiologies, such as variance normalization.
You are more than welcome to post a response on any medium you choose. That said, as GPI’s mission is in part to bring EA-relevant research topics into the academic mainstream, responses in the form of academic publications are particularly encouraged.