I agree, and I imagine you can adjust your pledge. If you pledged 50% as a doctor and later decided to change to a lower-paying non-profit career, I doubt whether Giving What We Can would blackball you for adjusting your pledge to 10%.
If the US government were to get rid of the charitable tax deduction or to sharply raise taxes, I couldn’t meet my pledge. But I don’t think that I’d be a worse person than I would’ve been had I correctly forecast changes in tax policy. I would simply update my pledge with Giving What We Can and get on with life.
I agree, and I imagine you can adjust your pledge. If you pledged 50% as a doctor and later decided to change to a lower-paying non-profit career, I doubt whether Giving What We Can would blackball you for adjusting your pledge to 10%.
If the US government were to get rid of the charitable tax deduction or to sharply raise taxes, I couldn’t meet my pledge. But I don’t think that I’d be a worse person than I would’ve been had I correctly forecast changes in tax policy. I would simply update my pledge with Giving What We Can and get on with life.