What metrics does MIRI use to internally measure its own success?
(1) number of FAIs produced ;-)
Other important metrics include:
number of agent foundations forum posts produced
number of papers written
number of papers published in conferences/journals
number of papers published in high-prestige conferences/journals (a fuzzy metric)
number of conferences attended
number of collaborative papers written
number of research associates
number of people who have attended a workshop
number of non-MIRI-employees who have produced a technical result
amount of progress on core technical problems (a very fuzzy metric, which is why it’s important to also track the more concrete numbers above)
size of research team
I also of course keep my eye on “number of dollars available.”
What metrics does MIRI use to internally measure its own success?
(1) number of FAIs produced ;-)
Other important metrics include:
number of agent foundations forum posts produced
number of papers written
number of papers published in conferences/journals
number of papers published in high-prestige conferences/journals (a fuzzy metric)
number of conferences attended
number of collaborative papers written
number of research associates
number of people who have attended a workshop
number of non-MIRI-employees who have produced a technical result
amount of progress on core technical problems (a very fuzzy metric, which is why it’s important to also track the more concrete numbers above)
size of research team
I also of course keep my eye on “number of dollars available.”