Relevant: https://​​​​questions/​​1332/​​will-global-malaria-mortality-rates-be-reduced-by-90-when-compared-with-2015-rates-by-2030/​​
Metaculus users give a 52% chance that global malaria deaths will be 90% lower in 2030 than they were in 2015. If that is the case, then I would expect their now highly rated malaria charities to be less cost effective than they are now.
Relevant: https://​​​​questions/​​1332/​​will-global-malaria-mortality-rates-be-reduced-by-90-when-compared-with-2015-rates-by-2030/​​
Metaculus users give a 52% chance that global malaria deaths will be 90% lower in 2030 than they were in 2015. If that is the case, then I would expect their now highly rated malaria charities to be less cost effective than they are now.