A duckduckgo search[1] for my name turns up the EA Forum as a second[2] result, so I think it’s pretty easy for future employers to find what I write here and take it into consideration, even if they don’t think the venue is important in itself.
[1]: Google search would be more relevant but I expect that to be more distorted by Google’s knowledge of what I typically search for, whereas I guess duckduckgo will show me something more similar to what it would show other people
It has very little to do with the forum. I don’t think most people here that think they might be interacting with the executive branch would post anything super negative on the internet if they are thinking clearly.
This seems to overstate how important the ea forum is
A duckduckgo search[1] for my name turns up the EA Forum as a second[2] result, so I think it’s pretty easy for future employers to find what I write here and take it into consideration, even if they don’t think the venue is important in itself.
[1]: Google search would be more relevant but I expect that to be more distorted by Google’s knowledge of what I typically search for, whereas I guess duckduckgo will show me something more similar to what it would show other people
[2]: weirdly also the third and fourth
It has very little to do with the forum. I don’t think most people here that think they might be interacting with the executive branch would post anything super negative on the internet if they are thinking clearly.