Thanks so much for writing this! It looks like a really thorough investigation, and you found more concrete suggestions than I would’ve expected.
Regarding psychological safety: Google also found that psychological safety was the strongest predictor of success on their teams, and has created some resources to help foster it which you might be interested in.
My (weakly held) view is that the median EA org is weak on psychological safety & also underweights its importance (when reflecting on what to prioritize, org-development-wise).
Thanks so much for writing this! It looks like a really thorough investigation, and you found more concrete suggestions than I would’ve expected.
Regarding psychological safety: Google also found that psychological safety was the strongest predictor of success on their teams, and has created some resources to help foster it which you might be interested in.
+1 to the importance of psychological safety.
My (weakly held) view is that the median EA org is weak on psychological safety & also underweights its importance (when reflecting on what to prioritize, org-development-wise).