Amber—I agree. EA Forum is for the EA community. Community-related posts that interest a high proportion of the community should get plenty of karma.
Treated ‘community-related posts’ as if they’re inferior to more specialist, technical posts seems to kinda miss the whole point of EA Forum—to be a nexus for discussion of EA topics of broad interest to the EA community.
My ideal self spends most of my EA Forum time reading technical posts about various cause areas, both to stay up to date on the ones I know a lot about and to learn more about the ones I’m less familiar with.
My actual self disproportionately reads Community posts because they take a lot less energy to read.
But I reserve almost all my upvotes for more technical posts to help nudge myself and others toward reading those ones more.
I didn’t vote, but your assertion that the “whole point” of the Forum is to discuss “topics of broad interest” seems overstated to me. That’s a purpose, but more technical/specialized discussion is also a purpose, and there are legitimate concerns that some of that is being drowned out.
Amber—I agree. EA Forum is for the EA community. Community-related posts that interest a high proportion of the community should get plenty of karma.
Treated ‘community-related posts’ as if they’re inferior to more specialist, technical posts seems to kinda miss the whole point of EA Forum—to be a nexus for discussion of EA topics of broad interest to the EA community.
My ideal self spends most of my EA Forum time reading technical posts about various cause areas, both to stay up to date on the ones I know a lot about and to learn more about the ones I’m less familiar with.
My actual self disproportionately reads Community posts because they take a lot less energy to read.
But I reserve almost all my upvotes for more technical posts to help nudge myself and others toward reading those ones more.
PS—as always, for folks who disagree-voted on this, I’d appreciate seeing why specifically you disagree.
I didn’t vote, but your assertion that the “whole point” of the Forum is to discuss “topics of broad interest” seems overstated to me. That’s a purpose, but more technical/specialized discussion is also a purpose, and there are legitimate concerns that some of that is being drowned out.
Ok, fair enough. Imagine I said ‘a major point’ rather than ‘the whole point’.