Optionally, you can exclude Community posts from the rankings under other categories; see the explanation below.
Compute an aggregation (e.g. the sum) of all the rank values (1st, 2nd, 3rd, …) for each item
Re-rank the candidates by the rank aggregation value
Essentially, this simulates having multiple sub-forums “vote” on the ranking of items on the frontpage. This would help posts in categories that are underrepresented on the frontpage get into a higher rank, so it might help with this. However, it would still disproportionately favor posts that are in multiple top-level categories (e.g. Existential risk and Community) and have a lot of karma, because these posts would be ranked far and away the highest in the non-Community categories. To mitigate this, you could exclude Community posts when ranking for other categories.
There are algorithms that would implement this elegantly. One of these is inspired by the Borda count:[1]
Rank all the candidates (forum posts) by karma within each top-level category, e.g. Global health and development, Animal welfare, Existential risk, Community
Or by “Magic (New + Upvoted)”
Optionally, you can exclude Community posts from the rankings under other categories; see the explanation below.
Compute an aggregation (e.g. the sum) of all the rank values (1st, 2nd, 3rd, …) for each item
Re-rank the candidates by the rank aggregation value
Essentially, this simulates having multiple sub-forums “vote” on the ranking of items on the frontpage. This would help posts in categories that are underrepresented on the frontpage get into a higher rank, so it might help with this. However, it would still disproportionately favor posts that are in multiple top-level categories (e.g. Existential risk and Community) and have a lot of karma, because these posts would be ranked far and away the highest in the non-Community categories. To mitigate this, you could exclude Community posts when ranking for other categories.
Section 4.1, “Borda’s method”, of “Rank Aggregation Methods for the Web” (Dwork et al. 2001)