Australian equivalent: (They say on this one that you could be asked to donate to someone anywhere in the world, as it’s part of a worldwide network.)
I signed up for this a couple of months ago. Pretty simple process, probably the same one that’s described above. My main worry was not dropping more than 1⁄4 of the swabs! (They need three, but give you four in case you drop one as it’s invalid if the tip has touched any surface except the inside of your mouth.)
Australian equivalent: (They say on this one that you could be asked to donate to someone anywhere in the world, as it’s part of a worldwide network.)
I signed up for this a couple of months ago. Pretty simple process, probably the same one that’s described above. My main worry was not dropping more than 1⁄4 of the swabs! (They need three, but give you four in case you drop one as it’s invalid if the tip has touched any surface except the inside of your mouth.)