I subscribe to Import AI, Rohin Shah’s Alignment newsletter (mostly via the LW/AF), ChinAI (weekly), Ruder’s NLP (probably dead), Creative AI (annual), State of AI (annual), Larks (annual), miscellaneous blogs & subreddits (/r/machinelearning/, /r/mlscaling, /r/reinforcementlearning, /r/thisisthewayitwillbe/, being the main ones), and the 2AKs on Twitter (Arxiv ~daily). If you need even more ML than that, well, you’d better set up an Arxiv RSS feed and drink from the firehose.
I subscribe to Import AI, Rohin Shah’s Alignment newsletter (mostly via the LW/AF), ChinAI (weekly), Ruder’s NLP (probably dead), Creative AI (annual), State of AI (annual), Larks (annual), miscellaneous blogs & subreddits (/r/machinelearning/, /r/mlscaling, /r/reinforcementlearning, /r/thisisthewayitwillbe/, being the main ones), and the 2 AKs on Twitter (Arxiv ~daily). If you need even more ML than that, well, you’d better set up an Arxiv RSS feed and drink from the firehose.
Super helpful, thanks for your answer!