Yes we’ve heard this concern as well, and it’s a fair one. The challenge is that public outreach on AI has already begun (witness Elon Musk’s warnings) and holding back won’t stop that.
Our approach is to engage with people across the political spectrum (framing the issue accordingly) and reinforce the message that when it comes to ASI risks we’re quite literally all in this together.
As for specific government actions we’d be advocating for, this is something we are currently defining but the three areas we’ve flagged as most likely to help human success this century are technology governance, societal resilience and global coordination.
Yes we’ve heard this concern as well, and it’s a fair one. The challenge is that public outreach on AI has already begun (witness Elon Musk’s warnings) and holding back won’t stop that.
Our approach is to engage with people across the political spectrum (framing the issue accordingly) and reinforce the message that when it comes to ASI risks we’re quite literally all in this together.
As for specific government actions we’d be advocating for, this is something we are currently defining but the three areas we’ve flagged as most likely to help human success this century are technology governance, societal resilience and global coordination.