Do you worry at all about a bait-and-switch experience that new people might have?
I would hope that people wouldn’t feel this way. I think neartermism is a great on-ramp to EA, but I don’t think it has to be an on-ramp to longtermism. That is, if someone joins EA out of an interest in neartermism, learns about longtermism but isn’t persuaded, and continues to work on EA-aligned neartermist stuff, I think that would be a great outcome.
I would hope that people wouldn’t feel this way. I think neartermism is a great on-ramp to EA, but I don’t think it has to be an on-ramp to longtermism. That is, if someone joins EA out of an interest in neartermism, learns about longtermism but isn’t persuaded, and continues to work on EA-aligned neartermist stuff, I think that would be a great outcome.
And thank you for the fact-checking on the books!