Good point. This made me think that a way to mitigate this problem (instead of trying to “solve” it) is by acknowledging the importance of being open to new acquaintances and of people who serve as “nodes” or “bridges” for different social networks.
Yes and I can say from experience that trying to “fix it” can lead to other problems, for example throwing out the old and forcing in the new…the original organic relationships are very valuable and can’t be artificially replicated…but it’s simply opening up more and that may require infrastructure modifications that add but don’t subtract.
Great point about mitigating as opposed to solving. It’s possible that my having a “solutions” section wasn’t the best framing. I definitely don’t think personal connections should be vilified or gotten rid of entirely (if that were even possible), and going too far in this direction would be really bad.
Good point. This made me think that a way to mitigate this problem (instead of trying to “solve” it) is by acknowledging the importance of being open to new acquaintances and of people who serve as “nodes” or “bridges” for different social networks.
Yes and I can say from experience that trying to “fix it” can lead to other problems, for example throwing out the old and forcing in the new…the original organic relationships are very valuable and can’t be artificially replicated…but it’s simply opening up more and that may require infrastructure modifications that add but don’t subtract.
Great point about mitigating as opposed to solving. It’s possible that my having a “solutions” section wasn’t the best framing. I definitely don’t think personal connections should be vilified or gotten rid of entirely (if that were even possible), and going too far in this direction would be really bad.