I’ve been considering donating to both GiveWell and The Freedom Fund, but I’m uncertain about the later organization.
On Giving What We Can’s website, they have previously estimated that The Freedom Fund could save one slave per $657 donated (https://www.givingwhatwecan.org/en-US/reports/human-trafficking-modern-slavery). This very out-of-date report is from 2016, but it seems like this was previously a very cost-effective way of reducing suffering. Despite this, I don’t see much discussion of this particular cause area in the EA community (although I could be missing it).
Are there any reasons that EA doesn’t seem to focus on this cause area as much, such as issues concerning tractability, funding, or neglectedness ? Are there any other organizations addressing human trafficking that might be better than The Freedom Fund, and is there any more recent research into this area?
This is my first time posting and I’m not very familiar here, so I apologize in advance if I’ve unintentionally broken any rules or customs.
The #1 reason this hasn’t been discussed in EA is probably that… nobody has thought about it.
EA is a small group that has converged on a small set of causes through a mix of historical accidents and reasoning. If you’ve thought about anti-trafficking as a cause for 1 hour, you’ve probably thought more about it than 99% of EAs.
This looks interesting/promising to me but I don’t know anything about it.