I am starting my work on a dissertation in social anthropology (undergraduate) about EA. I’m exploring through ethnographic work the very concept of altruism, and how EA is perceived, practiced (and all that jazz) on an individual level (I would also like to explore why people are drawn to the EA “altruism”, so that maybe it’s useful for community organisers!). If you have some thoughts on EA as a movement, are a social anthropologist or just enjoy chatting about it, feel free to contact me on: joanna.wiaterek@gmail.com. I’ll be happy to share more about the idea and motivations for the work, and I’d be super grateful for any insights and thoughts!
[Question] Any social anthropologists in EA?
I am starting my work on a dissertation in social anthropology (undergraduate) about EA. I’m exploring through ethnographic work the very concept of altruism, and how EA is perceived, practiced (and all that jazz) on an individual level (I would also like to explore why people are drawn to the EA “altruism”, so that maybe it’s useful for community organisers!). If you have some thoughts on EA as a movement, are a social anthropologist or just enjoy chatting about it, feel free to contact me on: joanna.wiaterek@gmail.com. I’ll be happy to share more about the idea and motivations for the work, and I’d be super grateful for any insights and thoughts!