I really like this idea. Here are some obvious ones:
Number of galaxys in the reachable lightcone: ~10^9 (this is conveniently pretty close to the total number of humans alive, so I sometimes like thinking that if we reach the stars, I might have ownership over ~1 galaxy) (Sourced from Eternity in Six Hours)
Number of stars in a galaxy: ~10^10 − 10^12 (also surprisingly close to the number of humans alive)
People alive: ~10^10
Chicken deaths in a year: ~10^10
U.S. Philanthropic donations per year: ~$10^11 - $10^12 ($450 billion in 2019)
U.S. Foundation donations per year: $10^11 ($77 billion a year
I really like this idea. Here are some obvious ones:
Number of galaxys in the reachable lightcone: ~10^9 (this is conveniently pretty close to the total number of humans alive, so I sometimes like thinking that if we reach the stars, I might have ownership over ~1 galaxy) (Sourced from Eternity in Six Hours)
Number of stars in a galaxy: ~10^10 − 10^12 (also surprisingly close to the number of humans alive)
People alive: ~10^10
Chicken deaths in a year: ~10^10
U.S. Philanthropic donations per year: ~$10^11 - $10^12 ($450 billion in 2019)
U.S. Foundation donations per year: $10^11 ($77 billion a year
I think that’s about right in the US, ~50 billion worldwide, but ~20 billion alive at any moment worldwide.
OOps, yeah, good chance that I accidentally used a U.S. only source.
The last two should be 10^11 − 10^12 and 10^11, respectively?
Oops, that’s why you don’t try to do mental arithmetic that will shape the future of our lightcone at 1AM in the morning.
Given the donations / year figures, these seem relevant:
World Bank expenditures (inc. loans) per year: $10^11 ($61 billion)
UN expenditures per year: $10^11 ($48 billion)
EU expenditures per year: $10^12 ($182 billion)
ADB (Asian Development Bank) expenditures per year: $10^11 ($23 billion)
I think all figures were from around 2015, so these could now be different.
Some others are much smaller and therefore not included, such as GAVI, IMF, WHO, etc.