Crash course—exploring core ideas of Effective Altruism

You want to make a difference. You see suffering and injustice and ask yourself what you can do about it. As effective altruists, this is exactly what we are concerned with: How can we solve global problems and combat injustices most effectively?

To do this, we combine heart and mind: We use scientific methods to find the best possibilities. Why? Because we only have limited resources. So we have to use our time, money and energy as effectively as possible. We ask ourselves: What are the most pressing problems in the world? And how can we best use our skills to help solve them? You want to learn more and get to know the group in Freiburg? Come by on Wednesday November 1 at 8 p.m. in Haus des Engagements. Afterwards we’ll move on to a bar nearby and look forward to exciting discussions. It helps us if you register via this link so that we can plan the evening better.

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