I guess the way I see it, the more intellectually solid a movement is, the more effort it is to produce a solid criticism. So if a movement is intellectually solid, a lot of the criticism on social media will end up being very bad b/c social media pushes towards lower effort than other formats such as the EA forum.
(Another way of putting this: If you’re going to go to all the effort of making a proper critique, why post it on fb vs the EA forum where you’ll geet deeper engagement?).
I guess the way I see it, the more intellectually solid a movement is, the more effort it is to produce a solid criticism. So if a movement is intellectually solid, a lot of the criticism on social media will end up being very bad b/c social media pushes towards lower effort than other formats such as the EA forum.
(Another way of putting this: If you’re going to go to all the effort of making a proper critique, why post it on fb vs the EA forum where you’ll geet deeper engagement?).