Cool, thanks for shining light on this! My local chapter is currently also trying to get started with some career support and we also struggled with coming up how to do this best. I think we all relate to not feeling knowledgable or competent enough to give significant career advice ourselves. Instead, we now will host a career co-working session every six weeks. The idea is to give people space and an occasion to work on anything they think is most useful and have people around that can help out with ideas and feedback.
Cool, thanks for shining light on this! My local chapter is currently also trying to get started with some career support and we also struggled with coming up how to do this best. I think we all relate to not feeling knowledgable or competent enough to give significant career advice ourselves. Instead, we now will host a career co-working session every six weeks. The idea is to give people space and an occasion to work on anything they think is most useful and have people around that can help out with ideas and feedback.