Again, my question: do you think that non-consensually farming cognitively impaired humans for their flesh/secretions, given net-positive lives and no negative externalities, would be morally justifiable (or good)?
I think we shouldn’t exploit any sentient beings (i.e. use them as a means to an end without their consent), regardless of their species or substrate. I’m not sure whether this is because I believe exploitation is intrinsically morally wrong, or whether it’s because I think it’s a helpful proxy for suffering (something I do think is intrinsically morally bad, at least suffering beyond a certain threshold).
Do you disagree—either with my definition of exploitation, or with my normative claim that we shouldn’t exploit sentient beings?
Again, my question: do you think that non-consensually farming cognitively impaired humans for their flesh/secretions, given net-positive lives and no negative externalities, would be morally justifiable (or good)?
I think we shouldn’t exploit any sentient beings (i.e. use them as a means to an end without their consent), regardless of their species or substrate. I’m not sure whether this is because I believe exploitation is intrinsically morally wrong, or whether it’s because I think it’s a helpful proxy for suffering (something I do think is intrinsically morally bad, at least suffering beyond a certain threshold).
Do you disagree—either with my definition of exploitation, or with my normative claim that we shouldn’t exploit sentient beings?