Super thanks for this post. I’ve seen some people arguing over this subject, yet nothing so well articulated so far. I’ll post my comments remarks separately. But I’d like to begin with a very simple question: - Is there some sort of “EA ESG Group” or “EA Financial Ethics Group”? Would it be be interesting to have it? And to link it with other groups and areas (like IIDM? Legal Topics?)?
A quick note that there’s a session on it at this weekend’s EA Global: Reconnect (which Sanjay is speaking at): it might catalyse formation of such a group!
Super thanks for this post. I’ve seen some people arguing over this subject, yet nothing so well articulated so far. I’ll post my comments remarks separately. But I’d like to begin with a very simple question:
- Is there some sort of “EA ESG Group” or “EA Financial Ethics Group”? Would it be be interesting to have it? And to link it with other groups and areas (like IIDM? Legal Topics?)?
A quick note that there’s a session on it at this weekend’s EA Global: Reconnect (which Sanjay is speaking at): it might catalyse formation of such a group!
Did a group form? I would love to convene one if not. For those that are interested, message me!