Just to comment on the results: In hindsight, these results seem pretty obvious: in the first years of my Bachelor in Psychology we had this saying: “The best predictor of behavior is past behavior” and I know of a bit of research on the effectiveness of interventions over time, things such as implicit attitude change (e.g., https://psycnet.apa.org/manuscript/2016-29854-001.pdf) or fake news belief interventions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/jasp.13049) typically lose a lot of effectiveness in days or weeks, so seeing an intervention not work after 6 months seems not surprising at all. But it would have been nice to see the expectations of most people who consider putting money on EAGx makes sense + people who typically do research into behavior change to know whether this lack of surprise I feel is just me being biased. Regardless, great to see the impact of EAGx being tested!
Just to comment on the results: In hindsight, these results seem pretty obvious: in the first years of my Bachelor in Psychology we had this saying: “The best predictor of behavior is past behavior” and I know of a bit of research on the effectiveness of interventions over time, things such as implicit attitude change (e.g., https://psycnet.apa.org/manuscript/2016-29854-001.pdf) or fake news belief interventions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/jasp.13049) typically lose a lot of effectiveness in days or weeks, so seeing an intervention not work after 6 months seems not surprising at all. But it would have been nice to see the expectations of most people who consider putting money on EAGx makes sense + people who typically do research into behavior change to know whether this lack of surprise I feel is just me being biased. Regardless, great to see the impact of EAGx being tested!