What’s the false negative rate for the rapid tests? It seems like if it’s sufficiently low, most of the other precautions might be unnecessary: could you just have people show up, take the test, then wait 15 minutes before entering the party?
With perfect usage ~3%, but people make mistakes and any mistake will give you a false negative.
https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/Sct2SNhByS8Lzenub/rapid-antigen-tests-for-covid has it as ~25% in practice
What’s the false negative rate for the rapid tests? It seems like if it’s sufficiently low, most of the other precautions might be unnecessary: could you just have people show up, take the test, then wait 15 minutes before entering the party?
With perfect usage ~3%, but people make mistakes and any mistake will give you a false negative.
https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/Sct2SNhByS8Lzenub/rapid-antigen-tests-for-covid has it as ~25% in practice