Thanks for this! Two small comments and I may come back with more substantive questions later
1. Downloadable version in pdf doesn’t work for me (just redirects to a page saying forbidden). The PDF download link on the Animal Ask website works though
2. Perhaps I missed it, but do you intend to make a shareable version of this framework that allows users to plug in their own values (like a spreadsheet template with your toy example)?
do you intend to make a shareable version of this framework that allows users to plug in their own values (like a spreadsheet template with your toy example)
I have no plans to do so. Generally speaking, I have a preference for users to produce their own spreadsheets, so they can be much more deliberate and conscious about their choices, model details, values for inputs/parameters, etc. This is especially the case for a framework like this, which is naturally speculative and rudimentary.
Thanks for this!
Two small comments and I may come back with more substantive questions later
1. Downloadable version in pdf doesn’t work for me (just redirects to a page saying forbidden). The PDF download link on the Animal Ask website works though
2. Perhaps I missed it, but do you intend to make a shareable version of this framework that allows users to plug in their own values (like a spreadsheet template with your toy example)?
I have no plans to do so. Generally speaking, I have a preference for users to produce their own spreadsheets, so they can be much more deliberate and conscious about their choices, model details, values for inputs/parameters, etc. This is especially the case for a framework like this, which is naturally speculative and rudimentary.