Larry Ellison, who will invest tens of billions in Stargate said uberveillance via AGI will be great because then police and the populace would always have to be on their best behaviour. It is best to assume the people pushing 8 billion of us into the singularity have psychopathy (or similar disorders). This matters because we need to know who we’re going up against: there is no rationalising with these people. They aren’t counting the QALYs!
Footage of Larry’s point of view starts around 12.00 on Matt Wolf’s video
Larry Ellison, who will invest tens of billions in Stargate said uberveillance via AGI will be great because then police and the populace would always have to be on their best behaviour. It is best to assume the people pushing 8 billion of us into the singularity have psychopathy (or similar disorders). This matters because we need to know who we’re going up against: there is no rationalising with these people. They aren’t counting the QALYs!
Footage of Larry’s point of view starts around 12.00 on Matt Wolf’s video