I think it is good to have some ratio of upvoted/agreed : downvotes/disagreed posts in your portfolio. I think if all of your posts are upvoted/high agreeance then you’re either playing it too safe or you’ve eaten the culture without chewing first.
I think some kinds of content are uncontroversially good (e.g. posts that are largely informational rather than persuasive), so I think some people don’t have a trade-off here.
I think it is good to have some ratio of upvoted/agreed : downvotes/disagreed posts in your portfolio. I think if all of your posts are upvoted/high agreeance then you’re either playing it too safe or you’ve eaten the culture without chewing first.
I think some kinds of content are uncontroversially good (e.g. posts that are largely informational rather than persuasive), so I think some people don’t have a trade-off here.
Good point. In that case the hypothetical user isn’t using it as a forum (i.e. for discourse)
as of comment, 6 agrees and 6 disagrees. perfect :)