I’m glad we agree that the absolute number of mistakes is obviously an incorrect thing to use. :) I like your addition of “better wrong than vague”, (though I am not sure exactly how you would go about implementing it as part of an assessment beyond “If they’re always vague, be suspicious.” which doesn’t seem actionable.).
Considering how people respond to criticism is important for at least two reasons. If you can communicate to the person, and they can change, this is far less frustrating and far less risky. A person you cannot figure out how to communicate with, or who does not know how to change the particular flaw, will not be able to reduce frustration or risk fast enough. People are going to lose their patience or total up the cost-benefit ratio and decide that it’s too likely to be a net negative. This is totally understandable and totally reasonable.
I think the reason we don’t seem to have the exact same thoughts on that is because of my main goal in life, understanding how people work. This has included tasks like challenging myself to figure out how to communicate with people when that is very hard, and challenging myself to figure out how to change things about myself even when that is very hard. By practicing on challenging communication tasks, and learning more about how human minds may work through my self-experiments, I have improved both my ability to communicate and also my ability to understand the nature of conflicts between people and other people-related problems.
I think a lot of people reading these comments do feel bad for Gleb or do acknowledge that some potential will be lost if EA rejects InIn despite the high risk that their reputation problems may result in a net negative impact.
Perhaps the real crux of our apparent disagreement is something more like differing levels of determination / ability to communicate about problems and persuade people like Gleb to make all the specific necessary changes.
The way some appear to be seeing this is: “The community is fed up with InIn. Therefore, let’s take the opportunity to oust them.”.
The way I appear to be seeing this is: “The community is fed up with InIn. Therefore, let’s take the opportunity to persuade InIn to believe they need to do enough 2-way communication to understand how others think about reputation and promotion.”.
Part of this is because I think Gleb’s ignorance about reputation and marketing are so deep that he didn’t see a need to spend a significant amount of time learning about these. Perhaps he is/was unaware of how much there is for him to learn. If someone could just convince him that there is a lot he needs to learn, he would be likely to make decisions comparable to: taking a break from promotion while he learns, granting someone knowledgeable veto power over all promotion efforts that aren’t good enough, or hiring an expert and following all their advice.
(You presented a lot more worthwhile thoughts in your comment and I wish I could reply intelligibly to them all, but unfortunately, I don’t have the time to do all of these thoughts justice right now.)
I’m glad we agree that the absolute number of mistakes is obviously an incorrect thing to use. :) I like your addition of “better wrong than vague”, (though I am not sure exactly how you would go about implementing it as part of an assessment beyond “If they’re always vague, be suspicious.” which doesn’t seem actionable.).
Considering how people respond to criticism is important for at least two reasons. If you can communicate to the person, and they can change, this is far less frustrating and far less risky. A person you cannot figure out how to communicate with, or who does not know how to change the particular flaw, will not be able to reduce frustration or risk fast enough. People are going to lose their patience or total up the cost-benefit ratio and decide that it’s too likely to be a net negative. This is totally understandable and totally reasonable.
I think the reason we don’t seem to have the exact same thoughts on that is because of my main goal in life, understanding how people work. This has included tasks like challenging myself to figure out how to communicate with people when that is very hard, and challenging myself to figure out how to change things about myself even when that is very hard. By practicing on challenging communication tasks, and learning more about how human minds may work through my self-experiments, I have improved both my ability to communicate and also my ability to understand the nature of conflicts between people and other people-related problems.
I think a lot of people reading these comments do feel bad for Gleb or do acknowledge that some potential will be lost if EA rejects InIn despite the high risk that their reputation problems may result in a net negative impact.
Perhaps the real crux of our apparent disagreement is something more like differing levels of determination / ability to communicate about problems and persuade people like Gleb to make all the specific necessary changes.
The way some appear to be seeing this is: “The community is fed up with InIn. Therefore, let’s take the opportunity to oust them.”.
The way I appear to be seeing this is: “The community is fed up with InIn. Therefore, let’s take the opportunity to persuade InIn to believe they need to do enough 2-way communication to understand how others think about reputation and promotion.”.
Part of this is because I think Gleb’s ignorance about reputation and marketing are so deep that he didn’t see a need to spend a significant amount of time learning about these. Perhaps he is/was unaware of how much there is for him to learn. If someone could just convince him that there is a lot he needs to learn, he would be likely to make decisions comparable to: taking a break from promotion while he learns, granting someone knowledgeable veto power over all promotion efforts that aren’t good enough, or hiring an expert and following all their advice.
(You presented a lot more worthwhile thoughts in your comment and I wish I could reply intelligibly to them all, but unfortunately, I don’t have the time to do all of these thoughts justice right now.)