My views are reasonably messy, complicated, hard to articulate, and based on a relatively diffuse set of intuitions. I think we also reason in a pretty different way about the situation than you seem to (3). I think it wouldn’t be impossible to try to write up a post on my views, but I would need to consolidate and think about how exactly to express where I’m at. (Maybe 2-5 person days of work.) I haven’t really consolidated my views or something close to reflective equilibrium.
I also just that arguing about pure philosophy very rarely gets anywhere and is very hard to make convincing in general.
I’m somewhat uncertain on the “inside view/mechanistic” level. (But my all considered view is partially defering to some people which makes me overall less worried that I should immediately reconsider my life choices.)
I think my views are compelling, but I’m not sure if I’d say “very compelling”
My views are reasonably messy, complicated, hard to articulate, and based on a relatively diffuse set of intuitions. I think we also reason in a pretty different way about the situation than you seem to (3). I think it wouldn’t be impossible to try to write up a post on my views, but I would need to consolidate and think about how exactly to express where I’m at. (Maybe 2-5 person days of work.) I haven’t really consolidated my views or something close to reflective equilibrium.
I also just that arguing about pure philosophy very rarely gets anywhere and is very hard to make convincing in general.
I’m somewhat uncertain on the “inside view/mechanistic” level. (But my all considered view is partially defering to some people which makes me overall less worried that I should immediately reconsider my life choices.)
I think my views are compelling, but I’m not sure if I’d say “very compelling”