Ascended Civillians Movement

I want your help for me to create an organization and a social movement by the titular name That will maximize the good and empowerment of the common people. I believe it is within every individual to unite and optimize the good they do for humanity, to overcome cynicism and make their dreams of systemic and individual change possible. To make dreams of decreasing poverty and eliminating war and climate change reality. All it takes is for everyone to take responsibility for their actions. I want everyone who can to follow EAs teachings, stop buying slave made products, and to discover any other causes of possible solution. I want your help to spread the ideology “Your actions have consequences, make them good.”, And “To never keep your head low, fearing you may lose your comfortable, easy, meaningless life for nothing by hand of the elites.” Whether it be through advertisements, a nonprofit, or both, or other ideas.

Our central ideology is that every person must take responsibility for their contributions To unjust systems, spend their time wisely on good causes, and will be empowered to make worldwide and systemic change. I already have a forum, and I would greatly appreciate any other suggestions or help getting people to follow this idea and the ideas of EA.