Thanks for the very useful link. I hadn’t read that before.
I like the intuition pump that if advanced AI systems are running at about 10 million times human cognitive speed, then one year of human history equals 10 million years of AI experience.
Yup! Alternatively: we’re working with silicon chips that are 10,000,000× faster than the brain, so we can get a 100× speedup even if we’re a whopping 100,000× less skillful at parallelizing brain algorithms than the brain itself.
Thanks for the very useful link. I hadn’t read that before.
I like the intuition pump that if advanced AI systems are running at about 10 million times human cognitive speed, then one year of human history equals 10 million years of AI experience.
Yup! Alternatively: we’re working with silicon chips that are 10,000,000× faster than the brain, so we can get a 100× speedup even if we’re a whopping 100,000× less skillful at parallelizing brain algorithms than the brain itself.