taking more expensive but faster/nearer to you flights
Minimising years I need to spend working by “buying” perpetual income/lower living costs by putting money in index funds or a mortgage
Paying for faster services instead of using cheaper free alternatives. e.g: getting a video appointment with a private GP instead of waiting weeks and hours on the day for an NHS (UK public health) appointment
Choosing to work at a lower paying but lower time commitment job (40hr vs 55hr work weeks are a big deal)
Buying a $15 sleep mask + ear plugs = higher quality sleep = less time spent sleeping
I think saving money and putting it into index funds perhaps the best way you can buy time with money. It will literally save you decades of 40 hour weeks over the course of your life.
Minimising travel time by
living closer to work
working from home
taking more expensive but faster/nearer to you flights
Minimising years I need to spend working by “buying” perpetual income/lower living costs by putting money in index funds or a mortgage
Paying for faster services instead of using cheaper free alternatives. e.g: getting a video appointment with a private GP instead of waiting weeks and hours on the day for an NHS (UK public health) appointment
Choosing to work at a lower paying but lower time commitment job (40hr vs 55hr work weeks are a big deal)
Buying a $15 sleep mask + ear plugs = higher quality sleep = less time spent sleeping
I think saving money and putting it into index funds perhaps the best way you can buy time with money. It will literally save you decades of 40 hour weeks over the course of your life.