I think that makes sense. I think the value of making that adjustment is the move from “rather unlikely to be viable given that 0.03x is ~ 2 orders of magnitude away from the threshold for further research” to “this is not worth further pursuing now, but keep it in the back of your mind in case you happen across new information that would change the estimate in a moderately significant way / one can envision that there might be another intervention with synergistic effects that would sufficiently increase the benefits or reduce the costs of this one to consider packaging the two interventions together.”
I think that makes sense. I think the value of making that adjustment is the move from “rather unlikely to be viable given that 0.03x is ~ 2 orders of magnitude away from the threshold for further research” to “this is not worth further pursuing now, but keep it in the back of your mind in case you happen across new information that would change the estimate in a moderately significant way / one can envision that there might be another intervention with synergistic effects that would sufficiently increase the benefits or reduce the costs of this one to consider packaging the two interventions together.”