I think another part of the problem is that, for the same reasons, ‘longtermism’ has substantial mission creep/motte-and-bailey-itis. Like if I say I’m not a longtermist in EA circles, supporters will probably hit me with an argument for a totalising population ethic . But if I say I am one it feels like I’m supporting a bunch of academic research projects about which I might be quite sceptical. So maybe ‘longtermism’ is the concept that should be under the microscope, rather than its negation.
I think another part of the problem is that, for the same reasons, ‘longtermism’ has substantial mission creep/motte-and-bailey-itis. Like if I say I’m not a longtermist in EA circles, supporters will probably hit me with an argument for a totalising population ethic . But if I say I am one it feels like I’m supporting a bunch of academic research projects about which I might be quite sceptical. So maybe ‘longtermism’ is the concept that should be under the microscope, rather than its negation.