Indoor air quality and the frontiers of advance market commitments

Josh Morrison (Riker’s Debate Project, Waitlist Zero, 1 Day Sooner) will present on

  • Advance Market Commitments as Public Finance Innovation

  • Utilizing a Bayesian or predictive coding model for the FDA

  • Use of forecasting as both perceptual and motivational control.

and discuss how it can be applied to the current indoor air quality project. Gavriel Kleinwaks (1 Day Sooner) will kick us off with an intro to the state of the art in indoor air quality. Either Arunim Agarwal or Quinn Dougherty will do a TLDR/​ELI5 of basic forecasting to improve institutional decision-making goals or visions so everyone’s up to speed for Josh’s talk.


There will be a kidney-themed party to celebrate someone’s upcoming donation with a bunch of EAs and others downtown after the speaker event.