
After months of gestation, I’m happy to announce that just went live. The aim of the site is to act as a central landing page for anyone interested in the movement, from philanthropists to university students.

Regard this version of the site as a minimal viable product that will continue to change as we encounter ideas for improvement. If you have one or more of these ideas, please enter a note here. I’d love to read it!

Some future updates could include:

  • Short descriptions under each EA organization on the “Organizations” page

  • An improved engagement funnel, with different ways to engage EA by different levels of commitment

  • Updated “About” copy to better demonstrate that EA is an intellectual movement

  • Profiles of individual EAs

Lastly, I’m currently a bit bottlenecked between the imminent launch of EA Ventures and planning for EA Global (the rebranded Summit). So: if you’re motivated to play a part in creating the site that will (hopefully) inspire thousands of future EAs, shoot me an email! I’m at