[Question] Net Salary after Tax deductions US

If you are from the US,

Are you from the US, Do you have experience with this? Can you let me know if the calculator I used is in the “ball-park”?

What is the in-hand (net) salary after donations

I am not from the US. I would like to know what is the in-hand salary after donations to Public Charities (PCs). IRS says upto 50% of the salary when given to PCs, is Tax-deductible. If one does the following what in-hand salary is expected? I tried an online calculator and have the results below:

Salary: 300k TC in California (Total Compensation)
Donation: 150k (50%)
In-hand based on Online calculator: 212.6k-150k = 62k$

Salary: 300k TC in California (Total Compensation)
Donation: 200k (>50%, i.e., )
In-hand based on Online calculator: 224k-200k = 24k$

Salary: 60k TC in California
Donation: 6k (10%)
In-hand based on Online calculator: 34.5k

Assumptions on the online calculator:

  • 9k$ to 401k in all cases (I don’t fully understand how this works but start with 9k)

  • 13.3% state taxes in California apparently.

  • Donations as mentioned above

  • 300k TC based on --> $150k salary, 15% bonus, $425k stock/​4y