Being aware of how little funding you received over the last two years I’m amazed at how much you’ve been able to do considering a big portion of your time had to go into fundraising and applying for grants. I think career 1-1s could be commercialized (offering both career advice for money & pro-bono impactful career advice), so that’s an idea to consider.
Happy to see community projects becoming independent so you can go back to area building and meta-EA stuff.
Being aware of how little funding you received over the last two years I’m amazed at how much you’ve been able to do considering a big portion of your time had to go into fundraising and applying for grants. I think career 1-1s could be commercialized (offering both career advice for money & pro-bono impactful career advice), so that’s an idea to consider.
Happy to see community projects becoming independent so you can go back to area building and meta-EA stuff.